Monday, April 2, 2012


From today's She Seeks (found on Crosswalk )

What if, instead of wearing that plastic "everything is okay" mask, we actually shared our lives with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?

What if, rather than trying to fix everything ourselves, we reached out to our loved ones when we were in need of help?

What if, in place of pride, we confessed our sins and humbly asked for prayer?

What if we were real?

Here's what I think would happen: we'd live in true community, like the church we read about in the book of Acts. We would grow in relationship with one another AND with our heavenly Father, because our walls would come down and God would be able to penetrate our hearts with His grace. We would learn from each other's struggles and triumphs.

People wouldn't see a bunch of hypocrites trying to look perfect. They would see a family pointing to the only perfect Man there ever was. The body of Christ would grow, both in number, and in maturity.
But it starts with us being real. It can be frightening, but I promise you this—the risk of showing people who we truly are, will be rewarded. Only with our masks off can we clearly see what our God wants to reveal to us.

I could not agree more. I encourage each and every one of you to check out the full article, found HERE

She Seeks

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